
Blog posts

Deploy and consume ZIP files from Maven

Learn how to deploy ZIP files to Maven and consume them in an Octopus project.

Deploying and consuming ZIP files from Maven

Learn how to deploy ZIP files to Maven and consume them in an Octopus project.

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

RFC: Azure Service Fabric support

This post aims to discuss integrated support for deployments to Azure Service Fabric from Octopus Deploy

Deploying to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Octopus

This blog post looks at the process of deploying a .NET Core application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.

Deploying AWS SAM templates with Octopus

Learn how to integrate SAM templates with Octopus deployments for AWS serverless applications.

Improved Azure App Service deployments

Learn about the improved Azure App Service deployment step included in Octopus 2021.1.

Source control your Azure Bicep files

Learn how to use GitHub to source control your Azure Bicep files and then deploy them using Octopus.

Publishing a package to a local Octopus instance with GitHub Actions

Learn how to push a package to a local instance of Octopus Deploy with a GitHub Actions Runner

New in GitHub Actions for Octopus Deploy v3

We shipped the third version of GitHub Actions for Octopus Deploy with new features. Learn how the new actions improve your deployment experience.

Packaging Node.js applications

Just because you are using Node.js, don't violate the principle of build-once, deploy-many

Deploying to Tomcat from Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Tomcat hosted on a Linux server with Octopus Deploy

Octopus Pipe for Bitbucket: octopus-cli-run

Learn how to integrate Octopus and BitBucket with our new experimental BitBucket Pipe called octopus-cli-run.

ASP.NET Core 1 build & deployment pipelines with TeamCity and Octopus

ASP.NET Core 1 and the dotnet CLI makes publishing applications a first-class feature of the platform. This post explains how to hook it into your build & deployment pipeline.

Adding versions to your GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions are a powerful new feature for GitHub users, but they lack native versioning capabilities. In this blog post, we’ll see how to implement versioning.


octopus package zip

Package as zip

Create packages with the Octopus CLI

Using the Octopus CLI (octo) command line tool to create packages for deployment.


Creates a package (.nupkg or .zip) from files on disk, without needing a .nuspec or .csproj

GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions can leverage the Octopus CLI to pack, build, push, and create releases for Octopus Deploy.

Deploying a sample Java application

This guide provides a simple example of deploying a Java application with Octopus Deploy.

Create and push an ASP.NET Core project

This guide describes how to package and publish an ASP.NET Core project to Octopus from your development workstation.

Packaging applications

Packaging applications for deployment with Octopus Deploy.

octopus package upload

upload one or more packages to Octopus Deploy

Offline package drop

Offline package drop deployment targets allow you to deploy your applications in the most restricted security environments where Tentacles cannot be used.

BitBucket Pipelines

Octopus Deploy can be integrated with your BitBucket Pipelines build chain with the help of the Octopus CLI.


Pushes a package (.nupkg, .zip, .tar.gz, etc.) package to the built-in NuGet repository in an Octopus Server.

Deploy a sample package

Step by step guide on how to deploy a sample package Octopus Deploy

ASP.NET Core webapp

This guide covers everything you need to perform your first ASP.NET Core webapp deployment.

Built-in Octopus repository

Using the Octopus built-in repository.

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