
Blog posts

Webinar, May 6th: What's new in Octopus 2.4!

Come along to this webinar to learn more about the features in Octopus 2.4

Octopus May Release 3.13

This month's release brings some exciting new features including support for Azure Service Fabric, HSTS, optional lifecycles and performance improvements, among other things!

Octopus May Release 2018.5

Octopus 2018.5 features our next generation of Azure support.

Refactoring Octopus: Adding strict null checks to the Octopus front-end

Learn from some of the lessons we learned adding strict null checks to the Octopus front-end codebase

Docker Compose RFC

Bringing Docker Compose functionality to Octopus Deploy

RFC: Azure Resource Manager support

Request for comments on support for Azure Resource Manager

What is an un-tenanted deployment in 3.4?

Octopus 3.4 introduces multi-tenant deployments to allow you to deploy your releases to the same environment within the context of different tenants! So what happens if you don't want to deploy a release to a tenant?

Config as Code: What is it and how is it beneficial?

Learn about the benefits of Config as Code and some of the considerations when implementing Config as Code.

Configuring WildFly via XML Templates or CLI Scripts

Configuring a WildFly server can be done either by editing the XML files directly, or by running CLI script. But which is the best choice?

Chicago ALM user group: Automating deployments with Octopus Deploy

Ian Paullin will be talking about Octopus at the Chicago ALM user group on May 21st


Troubleshooting failed or hanging tasks

A guide for troubleshooting tasks that fail unexpectedly or are unresponsive

Report on deployments using SQL

How to report on deployments using Excel & XML

Troubleshooting authentication problems

A guide for troubleshooting authentication problems in Octopus Deploy.

Exposing Octopus

You can keep your Octopus installation inside your corporate network, or you may want to expose it to the Internet. This section describes how to safely expose your Octopus installation and the security implications you should consider.

Manually fail a task

How to manually fail a running or canceling task when tasks hang or get stuck.

Troubleshooting invalid certificates

How to troubleshoot invalid certificates that won't load in Octopus Deploy

Run a script step

Standalone scripts allow you to run scripts contained in a package, or ad-hoc scripts you've saved as part of the step.

Service Fabric PowerShell scripts

Service Fabric PowerShell scripts allow you to manage your Service Fabric clusters using the Service Fabric SDK as part of your deployment process.

Java error messages and troubleshooting

Java deployment steps include a number of unique error codes that may be displayed in the output if there was an error

Migrator import

Using the Octopus.Migrator.exe command line tool to import data from an Octopus 3.0 or newer directory.

Installing the Octopus CLI as a capability

This guide covers how to add the Octopus CLI as a capability to your Azure DevOps custom build agents.

Capture and export a HAR file

How to capture a HAR file to help the Octopus team diagnose problems when something unexpected happens.


How to migrate from an Octopus Server instance running on Windows Server or in a Windows Container to one running in a Linux Container.


Solutions to common problems with Octopus High Availability (HA).

Providing database performance metrics

How to provide database performance metrics to help the Octopus team resolve issues.

Record memory snapshots

How to record memory snapshots of your running Octopus Server so we can solve memory issues.

Record a performance trace

How to record a software performance trace of your running Octopus Server so we can solve performance issues.

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