
Blog posts

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Create a mixed AWS VPC with CloudFormation

Learn how to create a mixed AWS VPC with this sample CloudFormation template.

RFC: Docker integration

Request For Comment on proposed Docker integration

Deploying a Lambda with CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to deploy a Lambda with this sample CloudFormation template.

Perceptual consistency in RavenDB

An approach to simulating consistency in RavenDB

Selenium series: running tests against BrowserStack

In this post, we learn how to run tests against the BrowserStack service.

Improvements to Adding a Deployment Target Experience and Interface

Learn about some recent UI changes around deployment targets and why we made them.

How we create the Tentacle Army

Before a release of Octopus is published we fire up the Tentacle Army and attempt to break the release. At the moment the Tentacle Army consists of 800 tentacles located in Singapore and Brazil, regions chosen for their high region-to-region latency.

Octopus 2.0 Task Output: RFC

The tasks screen will get an update in Octopus 2.0. Here are some mockups.

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Building the Octopus Cloud in AWS

Running task cap and High Availability

Very soon we'll be launching Octopus: High Availability (HA) edition. To prepare for High Availability, we're making a few changes which will make it easier to manage Octopus server workloads.

What is an un-tenanted deployment in 3.4?

Octopus 3.4 introduces multi-tenant deployments to allow you to deploy your releases to the same environment within the context of different tenants! So what happens if you don't want to deploy a release to a tenant?

RFC: Azure Resource Manager support

Request for comments on support for Azure Resource Manager

Running Octopus Deploy inside a container

The Octopus Deploy Docker image makes it a simple process to provision a new Octopus Server instance.

Create a public AWS VPC with CloudFormation

Learn how to create a public AWS VPC with this sample CloudFormation template.

What's new in Octopus 2.3

Deploy to specific machines, audit log filtering, prompted variables, and more

Planning Octopus 2.0

We're planning some big changes for Octopus 2.0. We need to avoid second system syndrome as well as resting on our laurels.

RFC: X.509 Certificate Management

Request For Comment on proposed X.509 Certificate Management

Deploying to Red Hat OpenShift with Octopus Deploy

Learn how to deploy to Kubernetes clusters managed by Red Hat OpenShift

Deploying ASP.NET Core to Linux using Octopus

A walk-through of deploying an ASP.NET Core application to Red Hat Enterprise Linux using Octopus Deploy


Octopus reporting with an excel template

Octopus reporting with an excel template

Polling Tentacles with HA

With Octopus High Availability, Polling Tentacles must poll all of the Octopus Server nodes in your configuration.

Tentacle communication modes

Tentacles can be configured to communicate with the Octopus Server in Listening or Polling mode.

Designing Octopus HA in AWS

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in AWS.

Designing Octopus HA in Azure

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in Microsoft Azure.

Designing Octopus HA On-Premises

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability including database and shared storage set up for on-premises servers.

Designing Octopus HA in GCP

Information on configuring Octopus High Availability hosted in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

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