
Blog posts

Creating AMI mappings for CloudFormation

As part of our Runbooks series, learn how to create region AMI mappings for use with CloudFormation templates.

Outage on - report and learnings

Public incident report and our learnings about the DNS disruption from January 25 – 26, 2023.

Creating an EC2 Octopus Worker with CloudFormation

Learn how to deploy an EC2 configured as an Octopus Worker via a CloudFormation template.

Creating EC2 instance in AWS with CloudFormation

Learn how to create Windows and Linux EC2 instances in AWS with example CloudFormation templates

CloudFormation, WildFly and Deploying Maven Artifacts

Take a look at how you can tie together a number of the new features from recent releases to deploy Java apps to the cloud.

Installing Tentacles with DSC in AWS CloudFormation templates

Learn how to configure a target work Worker Tentacle when creating a new EC2 instance with CloudFormation.

Running manual tests against cloud infrastructure deployed by Octopus

Learn how to run tests against infrastructure that was previously deployed by Octopus.

Using dynamic build agents to automate scaling in Jenkins

With some setup, Jenkins can automatically react to your processing needs, creating extra nodes to manage processes. This post explains 2 setup methods.

Spring Boot as a Service

Learn how to deploy Spring Boot fully executable JAR files to EC2 Linux instances as services

Building a dynamic worker army with Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups

How to create dynamic worker infrastructure using Terraform and AWS autoscaling groups.

Managing Ansible Deployments with Octopus

Learn how to deploy Ansible scripts from Octopus

Using AWS IAM roles in Octopus

Learn how IAM roles allow users to temporarily assume new permissions or perform work from an EC2 instance without any additional credentials.

Automating Tentacle for Linux installation with CloudFormation templates

Automating Tentacle for Linux installation with an AWS CloudFormation template.

An Introduction to Hollow JARs

Learn what Hollow JARs are and how you can create them from you existing WAR files.

Using the Octopus Terraform Provider to create standards

Learn how to leverage the Octopus Deploy Terraform Provider to create standards for all spaces in your instance.

Using Infrastructure as Code with Operations Runbooks

This post discusses how to leverage Operations Runbooks with Infrastructure as Code

Octopus 2022 Q2: Containerize and modernize your CI/CD pipeline

Octopus 2022 Q2 with support for cloud-native containers and serverless is now available. Plus automatic cloud target discovery and ServiceNow integration (early access).

ServiceNow integration for Octopus Deploy: early access preview

Octopus introduces ServiceNow Change Management without the friction (early access preview).

Azure Bicep and Octopus Deploy

Learn how to use Bicep templates and automate their deployment using Octopus Runbooks.

Source control your Azure Bicep files

Learn how to use GitHub to source control your Azure Bicep files and then deploy them using Octopus.

Deploying to Azure with GitHub Actions and Octopus

Learn how to deploy an Azure web application with GitHub Actions and Octopus Deploy.

Monoliths versus microservices

A post about the differences between monoliths and microservices. Find out why we think microservices are better than monoliths for enterprise software applications, and learn the challenges with each approach.

Using the new ECS deployment step

Learn how to implement the new ECS deployment step.

The benefits of containerization

Containers have a range of benefits that help you become more agile in software delivery. Containers are scalable, portable and complement your DevOps processes.

Containers - what you need to get started

A high-level look at what you need to get started with containerization.


Terraform step configuration

Configuring common Terraform options using the Octopus built in steps

Configuring target machine

This guide describes how to configure your target machine running Linux to be used in Octopus deployments.

Provision AWS resources with Terraform

With runbooks, you can use Terraform to create resources in AWS.

Deploying Node applications to Linux

Learn how to package and deploy a Node.js application to a Linux deployment target over an SSH connection.

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