Maintenance Mode

Maintenance Mode is only available for self-hosted customers. Octopus Cloud instances will be updated in their specified maintenance window.

From time to time you will need to perform certain administrative activities on your Octopus Server, like upgrading Octopus or applying operating system patches. Typically you will want to schedule a maintenance window where you perform these activities, and Octopus Server helps with this by switching to Maintenance Mode.

How does it work?

In summary Maintenance Mode enables you to safely prepare your server for maintenance, allowing existing tasks to complete, and preventing changes you didn’t expect.

To enable or disable Maintenance Mode, go to Configuration ➜ Maintenance.

Maintenance Mode Configuration

Only users with the Administer System permission can enable/disable Maintenance Mode.

Once Octopus is in Maintenance Mode:

  • Users with the Administer System permission can still do anything they want, just like normal. All other users are prevented from making changes, which includes queuing new deployments or other tasks.
  • The task queue will still be processed:
    • Tasks which were already running will run through to completion.
    • Tasks which were already queued (including scheduled deployments) will be started and run through to completion.
    • System tasks will still be queued and execute at their scheduled intervals. These kinds of tasks can be ignored since they are designed to be safe to cancel at any point in time.

What about High Availability?

When you are using Octopus High Availability clusters, you will typically want to limit downtime to a minimum. You should enable Maintenance Mode when it is appropriate for the activity you need to perform.

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Page updated on Friday, August 18, 2023