Poll server

Configures an Octopus Server that this Tentacle will poll.

Poll server options

Usage: tentacle poll-server [<options>]

Where [<options>] is any of:

      --instance=VALUE       Name of the instance to use
      --config=VALUE         Configuration file to use
      --server=VALUE         The Octopus Server - e.g., 'http://octopus'
      --apiKey=VALUE         Your API key; you can get this from the Octopus
                               web portal
  -u, --username, --user=VALUE
                             If not using API keys, your username
  -p, --password=VALUE       If not using API keys, your password
                             The comms address on the Octopus Server; the
                               address of the Octopus Server will be used if
                             The comms port on the Octopus Server; the
                               default is 10943. If specified, this will take
                               precedence over any port number in server-comms-
                             When using active communication over websockets,
                               the address of the Octopus Server, eg
                               'wss://example.com/OctopusComms'. Refer to

Or one of the common options:

      --help                 Show detailed help for this command

Basic example

This example configures the Octopus Server that the polling Tentacle polls:

tentacle poll-server --server="https://your-octopus-url" --apiKey="API-YOUR-KEY"

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Page updated on Tuesday, June 25, 2024