Variable sets

Octopus variables can be added to variables sets, which make it possible to define variables for use with multiple projects.

This can be useful if you have the same variables that are used across multiple projects. Instead of defining the variables for each project, you can define a set of variables in the Variable Set and then access them from every project that needs them.

Creating a variable set

  1. Navigate to Library ➜ Variable Sets and click ADD NEW VARIABLE SET.
  2. Give the variable set a name, a description, and click SAVE.
  3. Define the variables. As with project variables, variable sets can be scoped to environment, deployment target, or target tags.
  4. Save the variable set by clicking SAVE.

Adding the variable set to a project

  1. Navigate to your project by selecting the Project from the navigation menu and then clicking your project.
  2. Click Variable Sets.
  4. Search for the Variable Set you’d like to include, click the check-box and SAVE.

Viewing the variable set

If you want to review the Variable Set you’ve created, from the Project Overview page you can navigate to Variable Set.

If you want to review the Project variables and the Variable Set, from the Project Overview you can navigate to All Variables.

Rename a variable set

  1. Navigate to Library ➜ Variable Sets.
  2. Select the variable set.
  3. Click settings, and expand the Name section.
  4. Enter the new name and click SAVE.

View the variable audit trail

Viewing the audit trail for a Variable Set will show you what changes have been made to the variable, when the changes were made, and which user made the changes.

  1. Navigate to Library ➜ Variable Sets.
  2. Select the variable set. Click the … overflow menu and select Audit Trail.
  3. Click SHOW DETAILS on an event to see what changed

To filter the audit trail by date, click the date range. Select a predefined date range or enter a custom date range.

You can use the following advanced filters to refine the result of the audit trail:

  • Event groups.
  • Event categories.
  • Document types.
  • Users.
  • Projects.
  • Environments.

Naming variable set variables

Always try to name variables in a variable set uniquely to avoid variable name collision. A common example is when a project and a variable set have the same variable name, scoped to the same environment. When a name collision occurs, Octopus Deploy will do its best to pick the right one using an algorithm. But sometimes the variables are scoped equally. If this occurs, Octopus will choose project-defined variables ahead of library-defined ones.

Read more about our recommendations for variable naming.

Learn more

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Page updated on Monday, April 29, 2024