Environment permissions report

The Octopus Web Portal provides the ability to see the permissions from a user’s point of view. This script demonstrates how to generate a report for a specific permission for specific environments. For example, what users have permissions to deploy to Production.

This report will look for teams scoped to a role with a specific environment (Production) or no environments. For example, you want to find out all the users who have permissions to deploy to Production. If a user is on a team scoped to the role Deployment Creator with no environments that user will show up in the report with an environment scoping of All because they have permissions to deploy to Production.

Sample environment permissions report

Please note: The report is generated as a CSV file, formatting was added to the screenshot to make it easier to read.


Provide values for the following:

  • Octopus URL
  • Octopus API Key
  • Report Path
  • Space Filter
  • Environment Filter
  • User Filter
  • Permission Name

The filters allow you to choose which space(s), project(s), and user(s) to generate a report for. They all have the same features.

  • all will return the results for all spaces/environments.
  • Wildcard or * will return all spaces/environments matching the wildcard search.
  • Specific name will only show the exact matching spaces/environments.

The filters support comma-separated entries. Setting the Environment Filter to Test,Prod* will find all environments with the display name of Test or that start with Prod.

PowerShell (REST API)
$octopusUrl = "https://your-octopus-url"
$octopusApiKey = "API-YOUR-KEY"
$reportPath = "./Report.csv"
$spaceFilter = "Permissions" # Supports "all" for everything, wild cards "hello*" will pull back everything that starts with hello, or specific names.  Comma separated "Hello*,Testing" will pull back everything that starts with Hello and matches Testing exactly 
$environmentFilter = "Production" # Supports "all" for everything, wild cards "hello*" will pull back everything that starts with hello, or specific names.  Comma separated "Hello*,Testing" will pull back everything that starts with Hello and matches Testing exactly
$userFilter = "all" # Supports "all" for everything, wild cards "hello*" will pull back everything that starts with hello, or specific names.  Comma separated "Hello*,Testing" will pull back everything that starts with Hello and matches Testing exactly
$permissionToCheck = "DeploymentCreate"

$cachedResults = @{}

function Write-OctopusVerbose
    Write-Host $message  

function Write-OctopusInformation
    Write-Host $message  

function Write-OctopusSuccess

    Write-Host $message 

function Write-OctopusWarning

    Write-Warning "$message" 

function Write-OctopusCritical
    param ($message)

    Write-Error "$message" 

function Invoke-OctopusApi

    $octopusUrlToUse = $OctopusUrl
    if ($OctopusUrl.EndsWith("/"))
        $octopusUrlToUse = $OctopusUrl.Substring(0, $OctopusUrl.Length - 1)

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SpaceId))
        $url = "$octopusUrlToUse/api/$EndPoint"
        $url = "$octopusUrlToUse/api/$spaceId/$EndPoint"    

        if ($null -ne $item)
            $body = $item | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Write-OctopusVerbose $body

            Write-OctopusInformation "Invoking $method $url"
            return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' 

        if (($null -eq $ignoreCache -or $ignoreCache -eq $false) -and $method.ToUpper().Trim() -eq "GET")
            Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking to see if $url is already in the cache"
            if ($cachedResults.ContainsKey($url) -eq $true)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "$url is already in the cache, returning the result"
                return $cachedResults[$url]
            Write-OctopusVerbose "Ignoring cache."    

        Write-OctopusVerbose "No data to post or put, calling bog standard Invoke-RestMethod for $url"
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

        if ($cachedResults.ContainsKey($url) -eq $true)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $url to the cache"
        $cachedResults.add($url, $result)

        return $result

        if ($null -ne $_.Exception.Response)
            if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 401)
                Write-OctopusCritical "Unauthorized error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again"
            elseif ($_.Exception.Response.statusCode -eq 403)
                Write-OctopusCritical "Forbidden error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again"
                Write-OctopusVerbose -Message "Error calling $url $($_.Exception.Message) StatusCode: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode )"
            Write-OctopusVerbose $_.Exception

    Throw "There was an error calling the Octopus API please check the log for more details"

function Get-OctopusItemList

    if ($null -ne $spaceId) 
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Pulling back all the $itemType in $spaceId"
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Pulling back all the $itemType for the entire instance"
    if ($endPoint -match "\?+")
        $endpointWithParams = "$($endPoint)&skip=0&take=10000"
        $endpointWithParams = "$($endPoint)?skip=0&take=10000"

    $itemList = Invoke-OctopusApi -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint $endpointWithParams -spaceId $spaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"
    if ($itemList -is [array])
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Found $($itemList.Length) $itemType."

        return $itemList        
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Found $($itemList.Items.Length) $itemType."

        return $itemList.Items

function Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty

    $hasProperty = Get-Member -InputObject $objectToTest -Name $propertyName -MemberType Properties

    if ($hasProperty)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$propertyName property found."
        return $true
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$propertyName property missing."
        return $false

function Get-UserPermission 
    param (

    if ($userRole.GrantedSpacePermissions -notcontains $permissionToCheck)
        return $projectPermissionList

    $newPermission = @{
        DisplayName = $user.DisplayName
        UserId = $user.Id
        Environments = @()
        Tenants = @()
        IncludeScope = $includeScope

    if ($includeScope -eq $true)
        foreach ($environmentId in $scopedRole.EnvironmentIds)
            if ($projectEnvironmentList -notcontains $environmentId)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to environment $environmentId, but the environment is not assigned to $($project.Name), excluding from this project's report"

            $environment = $environmentList | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $environmentId }
            $newPermission.Environments += @{
                Id = $environment.Id
                Name = $environment.Name

        if ($scopedRole.EnvironmentIds.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Environments.Length -le 0)
            Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to environments, but none of the environments are assigned to $($project.Name).  This user role does not apply to this project."

            return @($projectPermissionList)
        foreach ($tenantId in $scopedRole.tenantIds)
            $tenant = $tenantList | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $tenantId }

            if ((Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty -objectToTest $tenant.ProjectEnvironments -propertyName $project.Id) -eq $false)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to tenant $($tenant.Name), but the tenant is not assigned to $($project.Name), excluding the tenant from this project's report."

            $newPermission.Tenants += @{
                Id = $tenant.Id
                Name = $tenant.Name
        if ($scopedRole.TenantIds.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Tenants.Length -le 0)
            Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to tenants, but none of the tenants are assigned to $($project.Name).  This user role does not apply to this project."

            return @($projectPermissionList)

    $existingPermission = $projectPermissionList | Where-Object { $_.UserId -eq $newPermission.UserId }

    if ($null -eq $existingPermission)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "This is the first time we've seen $($user.DisplayName) for this permission.  Adding the permission to the list."

        $projectPermissionList += $newPermission

        return @($projectPermissionList)

    if ($existingPermission.Environments.Length -eq 0 -and $existingPermission.Tenants.Length -eq 0)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) has no scoping for environments or tenants for this project, they have the highest level, no need to improve it."

        return @($projectPermissionList)

    if ($existingPermission.Environments.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Environments.Length -eq 0)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) has scoping to environments, but the new permission doesn't have any environment scoping, removing the scoping"
        $existingPermission.Environments = @()
    elseif ($existingPermission.Environments.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Environments.Length -gt 0)
        foreach ($item in $newPermission.Environments)
            $existingItem = $existingPermission.Environments | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $item.Id }

            if ($null -eq $existingItem)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) is not yet scoped to the environment $($item.Name), adding it."
                $existingPermission.Environments += $item

    if ($existingPermission.Tenants.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Tenants.Length -eq 0)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) has scoping to tenants, but the new permission doesn't have any tenant scoping, removing the scoping"
        $existingPermission.Tenants = @()
    elseif ($existingPermission.Tenants.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Tenants.Length -gt 0)
        foreach ($item in $newPermission.Tenants)
            $existingItem = $existingPermission.Tenants | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $item.Id }

            if ($null -eq $existingItem)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) is not yet scoped to the tenant $($item.Name), adding it."
                $existingPermission.Tenants += $item

    return @($projectPermissionList)

function Write-PermissionList
    param (

    foreach ($permissionScope in $permissionList)
        $permissionForCSV = @{
            Space = $permission.SpaceName
            Project = $permission.Name
            PermissionName = $permissionName
            User = $permissionScope.DisplayName
            EnvironmentScope = ""
            TenantScope = ""

        if ($permissionScope.IncludeScope -eq $false)
            $permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope = "N/A"
            $permissionForCSV.TenantScope = "N/A"            
            if ($permissionScope.Environments.Length -eq 0)
                $permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope = "All"
                $permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope = $($permissionScope.Environments.Name) -join ";"

            if ($permissionScope.TenantScope.Length -eq 0)
                $permissionForCSV.TenantScope = "All"
                $permissionForCSV.TenantScope = $($permissionScope.Tenants.Name) -join ";"

        $permissionAsString = """$($permissionForCSV.Space)"",""$($permissionForCSV.Project)"",""$($permissionForCSV.PermissionName)"",""$($permissionForCSV.User)"",""$($permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope)"",""$($permissionForCSV.TenantScope)"""
        Add-Content -Path $reportPath -Value $permissionAsString

function Get-EnvironmentsScopedToProject
    param (

    $scopedEnvironmentList = @()

    $projectChannels = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Channels" -endpoint "projects/$($project.Id)/channels" -spaceId $spaceId -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey

    foreach ($channel in $projectChannels)
        $lifecycleId = $channel.LifecycleId
        if ($null -eq $lifecycleId)
            $lifecycleId = $project.LifecycleId

        $lifecyclePreview = Invoke-OctopusApi -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -apiKey $octopusApiKey -endPoint "lifecycles/$lifecycleId/preview" -spaceId $spaceId -method "GET"

        foreach ($phase in $lifecyclePreview.Phases)
            foreach ($environmentId in $phase.AutomaticDeploymentTargets)
                if ($scopedEnvironmentList -notcontains $environmentId)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $environmentId to $($project.Name) environment list"
                    $scopedEnvironmentList += $environmentId

            foreach ($environmentId in $phase.OptionalDeploymentTargets)
                if ($scopedEnvironmentList -notcontains $environmentId)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $environmentId to $($project.Name) environment list"
                    $scopedEnvironmentList += $environmentId

    return $scopedEnvironmentList

function New-OctopusFilteredList

    $filteredList = @()  
    Write-OctopusSuccess "Creating filter list for $itemType with a filter of $filters"

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filters) -eq $false -and $null -ne $itemList)
        $splitFilters = $filters -split ","

        foreach($item in $itemList)
            foreach ($filter in $splitFilters)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking to see if $filter matches $($item.Name)"
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filter))
                if (($filter).ToLower() -eq "all")
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The filter is 'all' -> adding $($item.Name) to $itemType filtered list"
                    $filteredList += $item
                elseif ((Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty -propertyName "Name" -objectToTest $item) -and $item.Name -like $filter)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The filter $filter matches $($item.Name), adding $($item.Name) to $itemType filtered list"
                    $filteredList += $item
                elseif ((Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty -propertyName "DisplayName" -objectToTest $item) -and $item.DisplayName -like $filter)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The filter $filter matches $($item.DisplayName), adding $($item.DisplayName) to $itemType filtered list"
                    $filteredList += $item
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The item $($item.Name) does not match filter $filter"
        Write-OctopusWarning "The filter for $itemType was not set."

    return $filteredList

$spaceList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Spaces" -endpoint "spaces" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
$spaceList = New-OctopusFilteredList -itemType "Spaces" -itemList $spaceList -filters $spaceFilter

$userRolesList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "User Roles" -endpoint "userroles" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
$userList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Users" -endpoint "users" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
$userList = New-OctopusFilteredList -itemType "Users" -itemList $userList -filters $userFilter

$permissionsReport = @()
foreach ($space in $spaceList)
    $projectList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Projects" -endpoint "projects" -spaceId $space.Id -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
    $environmentList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Environments" -endpoint "environments" -spaceId $space.Id -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
    $environmentList = New-OctopusFilteredList -itemType "Environments" -itemList $environmentList -filters $environmentFilter

    $tenantList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Tenants" -endpoint "tenants" -spaceId $space.Id -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
    foreach ($project in $projectList)
        $projectPermission = @{
            Name = $project.Name
            SpaceName = $space.Name
            Permissions = @()

        $projectEnvironmentList = @(Get-EnvironmentsScopedToProject -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -spaceId $space.Id -project $project)

        foreach ($user in $userList)
            $userTeamList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "User $($user.DisplayName) Teams" -endpoint "users/$($user.Id)/teams?spaces=$($space.Id)&includeSystem=True" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey

            foreach ($userTeam in $userTeamList)
                $scopedRolesList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Team $($userTeam.Name) Scoped Roles" -endpoint "teams/$($userTeam.Id)/scopeduserroles" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey

                foreach ($scopedRole in $scopedRolesList)
                    if ($scopedRole.SpaceId -ne $space.Id)
                        Write-OctopusVerbose "The scoped role is not for the current space, moving on to next role."

                    if ($scopedRole.ProjectIds.Length -gt 0 -and $scopedRole.ProjectIds -notcontains $project.Id -and $scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Length -eq 0)
                        Write-OctopusVerbose "The scoped role is associated with projects, but not $($project.Name), moving on to next role."

                    if ($scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Length -gt 0 -and $scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds -notcontains $project.ProjectGroupId -and $scopedRole.ProjectIds.Length -eq 0)
                        Write-OctopusVerbose "The scoped role is associated with projects groups, but not the one for $($project.Name), moving on to next role."

                    $userRole = $userRolesList | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $scopedRole.UserRoleId}

                    $projectPermission.Permissions = @(Get-UserPermission -space $space -project $project -userRole $userRole -projectPermissionList $projectPermission.Permissions -permissionToCheck $permissionToCheck -environmentList $environmentList -tenantList $tenantList -user $user -scopedRole $scopedRole -includeScope $true -projectEnvironmentList $projectEnvironmentList)

        $permissionsReport += $projectPermission

if (Test-Path $reportPath)
    Remove-Item $reportPath

New-Item $reportPath -ItemType File

Add-Content -Path $reportPath -Value "Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping"

foreach ($permission in $permissionsReport)
    Write-PermissionList -permissionName $permissionToCheck -permissionList $permission.Permissions -permission $permission -reportPath $reportPath    
PowerShell (Octopus.Client)
# Load assembly
Add-Type -Path 'path:\to\Octopus.Client.dll'

$octopusURL = "https://your-octopus-url"
$octopusAPIKey = "API-YOUR-KEY"
$reportPath = "./Report.csv"
$spaceFilter = "Permissions" # Supports "all" for everything, wild cards "hello*" will pull back everything that starts with hello, or specific names.  Comma separated "Hello*,Testing" will pull back everything that starts with Hello and matches Testing exactly 
$environmentFilter = "Production" # Supports "all" for everything, wild cards "hello*" will pull back everything that starts with hello, or specific names.  Comma separated "Hello*,Testing" will pull back everything that starts with Hello and matches Testing exactly
$permissionToCheck = "DeploymentCreate"

$cachedResults = @{}

function Write-OctopusVerbose
    Write-Host $message  

function Write-OctopusInformation
    Write-Host $message  

function Write-OctopusSuccess

    Write-Host $message 

function Write-OctopusWarning

    Write-Warning "$message" 

function Write-OctopusCritical
    param ($message)

    Write-Error "$message" 

function Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty

    $hasProperty = Get-Member -InputObject $objectToTest -Name $propertyName -MemberType Properties

    if ($hasProperty)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$propertyName property found."
        return $true
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$propertyName property missing."
        return $false

function Get-UserPermission 
    param (

    if ($userRole.GrantedSpacePermissions -notcontains $permissionToCheck)
        return $projectPermissionList

    $newPermission = @{
        DisplayName = $user.DisplayName
        UserId = $user.Id
        Environments = @()
        Tenants = @()
        IncludeScope = $includeScope

    if ($includeScope -eq $true)
        foreach ($environmentId in $scopedRole.EnvironmentIds)
            if ($projectEnvironmentList -notcontains $environmentId)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to environment $environmentId, but the environment is not assigned to $($project.Name), excluding from this project's report"

            $environment = $environmentList | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $environmentId }
            $newPermission.Environments += @{
                Id = $environment.Id
                Name = $environment.Name

        if ($scopedRole.EnvironmentIds.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Environments.Length -le 0)
            Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to environments, but none of the environments are assigned to $($project.Name).  This user role does not apply to this project."

            return @($projectPermissionList)
        foreach ($tenantId in $scopedRole.tenantIds)
            $tenant = $tenantList | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $tenantId }

            if ((Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty -objectToTest $tenant.ProjectEnvironments -propertyName $project.Id) -eq $false)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to tenant $($tenant.Name), but the tenant is not assigned to $($project.Name), excluding the tenant from this project's report."

            $newPermission.Tenants += @{
                Id = $tenant.Id
                Name = $tenant.Name

        if ($scopedRole.TenantIds.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Tenants.Length -le 0)
            Write-OctopusVerbose "The role is scoped to tenants, but none of the tenants are assigned to $($project.Name).  This user role does not apply to this project."

            return @($projectPermissionList)

    $existingPermission = $projectPermissionList | Where-Object { $_.UserId -eq $newPermission.UserId }

    if ($null -eq $existingPermission)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "This is the first time we've seen $($user.DisplayName) for this permission.  Adding the permission to the list."
        $projectPermissionList += $newPermission

        return @($projectPermissionList)

    if ($existingPermission.Environments.Length -eq 0 -and $existingPermission.Tenants.Length -eq 0)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) has no scoping for environments or tenants for this project, they have the highest level, no need to improve it."

        return @($projectPermissionList)

    if ($existingPermission.Environments.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Environments.Length -eq 0)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) has scoping to environments, but the new permission doesn't have any environment scoping, removing the scoping"
        $existingPermission.Environments = @()
    elseif ($existingPermission.Environments.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Environments.Length -gt 0)
        foreach ($item in $newPermission.Environments)
            $existingItem = $existingPermission.Environments | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $item.Id }

            if ($null -eq $existingItem)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) is not yet scoped to the environment $($item.Name), adding it."
                $existingPermission.Environments += $item

    if ($existingPermission.Tenants.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Tenants.Length -eq 0)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) has scoping to tenants, but the new permission doesn't have any tenant scoping, removing the scoping"
        $existingPermission.Tenants = @()
    elseif ($existingPermission.Tenants.Length -gt 0 -and $newPermission.Tenants.Length -gt 0)
        foreach ($item in $newPermission.Tenants)
            $existingItem = $existingPermission.Tenants | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq $item.Id }

            if ($null -eq $existingItem)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "$($user.DisplayName) is not yet scoped to the tenant $($item.Name), adding it."
                $existingPermission.Tenants += $item

    return @($projectPermissionList)

function Write-PermissionList
    param (

    foreach ($permissionScope in $permissionList)
        $permissionForCSV = @{
            Space = $permission.SpaceName
            Project = $permission.Name
            PermissionName = $permissionName
            User = $permissionScope.DisplayName
            EnvironmentScope = ""
            TenantScope = ""

        if ($permissionScope.IncludeScope -eq $false)
            $permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope = "N/A"
            $permissionForCSV.TenantScope = "N/A"            
            if ($permissionScope.Environments.Length -eq 0)
                $permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope = "All"
                $permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope = $($permissionScope.Environments.Name) -join ";"

            if ($permissionScope.TenantScope.Length -eq 0)
                $permissionForCSV.TenantScope = "All"
                $permissionForCSV.TenantScope = $($permissionScope.Tenants.Name) -join ";"

        $permissionAsString = """$($permissionForCSV.Space)"",""$($permissionForCSV.Project)"",""$($permissionForCSV.PermissionName)"",""$($permissionForCSV.User)"",""$($permissionForCSV.EnvironmentScope)"",""$($permissionForCSV.TenantScope)"""
        Add-Content -Path $reportPath -Value $permissionAsString

function Get-EnvironmentsScopedToProject
    param (

    $scopedEnvironmentList = @()

    $projectChannels = $repositoryForSpace.Projects.GetAllChannels($project)

    foreach ($channel in $projectChannels)
        $lifecycleId = $channel.LifecycleId
        if ($null -eq $lifecycleId)
            $lifecycleId = $project.LifecycleId

        $lifecyclePreview = $repositoryForSpace.Lifecycles.Get($lifeCycleId)
        if (($null -eq $lifecyclePreview.Phases) -or ($lifecyclePreview.Phases.Count -eq 0))
            # Lifecycle has no defined phases and uses environments, manually create the phases
            foreach ($environment in $repositoryForSpace.Environments.GetAll())
                $phase = New-Object Octopus.Client.Model.PhaseResource
                $phase.Name = $environment.Name

        foreach ($phase in $lifecyclePreview.Phases)
            foreach ($environmentId in $phase.AutomaticDeploymentTargets)
                if ($scopedEnvironmentList -notcontains $environmentId)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $environmentId to $($project.Name) environment list"
                    $scopedEnvironmentList += $environmentId

            foreach ($environmentId in $phase.OptionalDeploymentTargets)
                if ($scopedEnvironmentList -notcontains $environmentId)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $environmentId to $($project.Name) environment list"
                    $scopedEnvironmentList += $environmentId

    return $scopedEnvironmentList

function New-OctopusFilteredList

    $filteredList = @()  
    Write-OctopusSuccess "Creating filter list for $itemType with a filter of $filters"
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filters) -eq $false -and $null -ne $itemList)
        $splitFilters = $filters -split ","

        foreach($item in $itemList)
            foreach ($filter in $splitFilters)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking to see if $filter matches $($item.Name)"
                if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filter))
                if (($filter).ToLower() -eq "all")
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The filter is 'all' -> adding $($item.Name) to $itemType filtered list"
                    $filteredList += $item
                elseif ((Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty -propertyName "Name" -objectToTest $item) -and $item.Name -like $filter)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The filter $filter matches $($item.Name), adding $($item.Name) to $itemType filtered list"
                    $filteredList += $item
                elseif ((Test-OctopusObjectHasProperty -propertyName "DisplayName" -objectToTest $item) -and $item.DisplayName -like $filter)
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The filter $filter matches $($item.DisplayName), adding $($item.DisplayName) to $itemType filtered list"
                    $filteredList += $item
                    Write-OctopusVerbose "The item $($item.Name) does not match filter $filter"
        Write-OctopusWarning "The filter for $itemType was not set."
    return $filteredList


$endpoint = New-Object Octopus.Client.OctopusServerEndpoint($octopusURL, $octopusAPIKey)
$repository = New-Object Octopus.Client.OctopusRepository($endpoint)
$client = New-Object Octopus.Client.OctopusClient($endpoint)

$spaceList = $repository.Spaces.GetAll()
$spaceList = New-OctopusFilteredList -itemType "Spaces" -itemList $spaceList -filters $spaceFilter

$userRolesList = $repository.UserRoles.GetAll()
$userList = $repository.Users.GetAll()

$permissionsReport = @()
foreach ($spaceName in $spaceList)
    $space = $repository.Spaces.FindByName($spaceName.Name)
    $repositoryForSpace = $client.ForSpace($space)
    $projectList = $repositoryForSpace.Projects.GetAll()
    $environmentList = $repositoryForSpace.Environments.GetAll()
    $environmentList = New-OctopusFilteredList -itemType "Environments" -itemList $environmentList -filters $environmentFilter

    $tenantList = $repositoryForSpace.Tenants.GetAll()
    foreach ($project in $projectList)
        $projectPermission = @{
            Name = $project.Name
            SpaceName = $space.Name
            Permissions = @()

        $projectEnvironmentList = @(Get-EnvironmentsScopedToProject -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -spaceId $space.Id -project $project)

        foreach ($user in $userList)
            $allTeamList = $repository.UserTeams.Get($user)
            $userTeamList = @()

            foreach ($teamItem in $allTeamList)
                $team = $repository.Teams.Get($teamItem.Id)
                if (([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($team.SpaceId)) -or ($team.SpaceId -eq $space.Id))
                    $userTeamList += $teamItem
            foreach ($userTeam in $userTeamList)
                $team = $repository.Teams.Get($userTeam.Id)

                $scopedRolesList = $repository.Teams.GetScopedUserRoles($team)

                foreach ($scopedRole in $scopedRolesList)
                    if ($scopedRole.SpaceId -ne $space.Id)
                        Write-OctopusVerbose "The scoped role is not for the current space, moving on to next role."

                    if ($scopedRole.ProjectIds.Count -gt 0 -and $scopedRole.ProjectIds -notcontains $project.Id -and $scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Count -eq 0)
                        Write-OctopusVerbose "The scoped role is associated with projects, but not $($project.Name), moving on to next role."

                    if ($scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Count -gt 0 -and $scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds -notcontains $project.ProjectGroupId -and $scopedRole.ProjectIds.Count -eq 0)
                        Write-OctopusVerbose "The scoped role is associated with projects groups, but not the one for $($project.Name), moving on to next role."

                    $userRole = $userRolesList | Where-Object {$_.Id -eq $scopedRole.UserRoleId}

                    $projectPermission.Permissions = @(Get-UserPermission -space $space -project $project -userRole $userRole -projectPermissionList $projectPermission.Permissions -permissionToCheck $permissionToCheck -environmentList $environmentList -tenantList $tenantList -user $user -scopedRole $scopedRole -includeScope $true -projectEnvironmentList $projectEnvironmentList)

        $permissionsReport += $projectPermission

if (Test-Path $reportPath)
    Remove-Item $reportPath

New-Item $reportPath -ItemType File

Add-Content -Path $reportPath -Value "Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping"

foreach ($permission in $permissionsReport)
    Write-PermissionList -permissionName $permissionToCheck -permissionList $permission.Permissions -permission $permission -reportPath $reportPath    
// If using .net Core, be sure to add the NuGet package of System.Security.Permissions
#r "path\to\Octopus.Client.dll"

using Octopus.Client;
using Octopus.Client.Model;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

class ProjectPermission
    private System.Collections.Generic.List<Permission> _permissions = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Permission>();
    public string Name

    public string SpaceName

    public System.Collections.Generic.List<Permission> Permissions
            return _permissions;
            _permissions = value;

class Permission
    private System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource> _environments = new System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource>();
    private System.Collections.Generic.List<TenantResource> _tenants = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TenantResource>();
    public string DisplayName

    public string UserId

    public System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource> Environments
            return _environments;
            _environments = value;

    public System.Collections.Generic.List<TenantResource> Tenants
            return _tenants;
            _tenants = value;

    public bool IncludeScope

static System.Collections.Generic.List<UserResource> FilterUserList(System.Collections.Generic.List<UserResource> Users, string Filter)
    var filters = Filter.Split(",", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    System.Collections.Generic.List<UserResource> filteredList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<UserResource>();

    foreach (var userResource in Users)
        // Loop through filters
        foreach (string filter in filters)
            if (filter.ToLower() == "all")
                // Add to list
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filter is 'all' -> adding {0} to filtered list", userResource.Name));
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(userResource.Name, filter))
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filter {0} matches {1}, adding {1} to filtered list", filter, userResource.Name));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("User {0} does not match filter {1}", userResource.Name, filter));

    return filteredList;

static System.Collections.Generic.List<SpaceResource> FilterSpaceList(System.Collections.Generic.List<SpaceResource> Spaces, string Filter)
    var filters = Filter.Split(",", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    System.Collections.Generic.List<SpaceResource> filteredList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<SpaceResource>();

    foreach (var spaceResource in Spaces)
        // Loop through filters
        foreach (string filter in filters)
            if (filter.ToLower() == "all")
                // Add to list
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filter is 'all' -> adding {0} to filtered list", spaceResource.Name));
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(spaceResource.Name, filter))
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filter {0} matches {1}, adding {1} to filtered list", filter, spaceResource.Name));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Space {0} does not match filter {1}", spaceResource.Name, filter));

    return filteredList;

static System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource> FilterEnvironmentList(System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource> Environments, string Filter)
    var filters = Filter.Split(",", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
    System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource> filteredList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource>();

    foreach (var environmentResource in Environments)
        // Loop through filters
        foreach (string filter in filters)
            if (filter.ToLower() == "all")
                // Add to list
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filter is 'all' -> adding {0} to filtered list", environmentResource.Name));

            else if (Regex.IsMatch(environmentResource.Name, filter))
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The filter {0} matches {1}, adding {1} to filtered list", filter, environmentResource.Name));
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Space {0} does not match filter {1}", environmentResource.Name, filter));

    return filteredList;

static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> GetEnvironmentsScopedToProject (ProjectResource Project, SpaceResource Space, IOctopusSpaceRepository RepositoryForSpace)
    System.Collections.Generic.List<string> scopedEnvironments = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();

    var projectChannels = RepositoryForSpace.Projects.GetAllChannels(Project);

    foreach (var channel in projectChannels)
        string lifeCycleId = string.Empty;

        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channel.LifecycleId))
            lifeCycleId = Project.LifecycleId;

        var lifecyclePreview = RepositoryForSpace.Lifecycles.Get(lifeCycleId);

        if ((lifecyclePreview.Phases == null) || (lifecyclePreview.Phases.Count == 0))
            foreach (var environment in RepositoryForSpace.Environments.GetAll())
                PhaseResource phase = new PhaseResource();
                phase.Name = environment.Name;

        foreach (var phase in lifecyclePreview.Phases)
            foreach (var environmentId in phase.AutomaticDeploymentTargets)
                if (!scopedEnvironments.Contains(environmentId))
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Adding {0} to {1} environment list", environmentId, Project.Name));

            foreach (var environmentId in phase.OptionalDeploymentTargets)
                if (!scopedEnvironments.Contains(environmentId))
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Adding {0} to {1} environment list", environmentId, Project.Name));

    return scopedEnvironments;

static System.Collections.Generic.List<Permission> GetUserPermission (SpaceResource Space, ProjectResource Project, UserRoleResource UserRole, System.Collections.Generic.List<Permission> ProjectPermissionList, string PermissionToCheck, System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource> EnvironmentList, System.Collections.Generic.List<TenantResource> TenantList, UserResource User, ScopedUserRoleResource ScopedRole, bool IncludeScope, System.Collections.Generic.List<string> ProjectEnvironmentList)
    Octopus.Client.Model.Permission octopusPermission = (Octopus.Client.Model.Permission)Enum.Parse(typeof(Octopus.Client.Model.Permission), PermissionToCheck);

    if (!UserRole.GrantedSpacePermissions.Contains(octopusPermission))
        return ProjectPermissionList;

    var newPermission = new Permission();
    newPermission.DisplayName = User.DisplayName;
    newPermission.UserId = User.Id;
    newPermission.IncludeScope = IncludeScope;
    if (IncludeScope)
        foreach (var environmentId in ScopedRole.EnvironmentIds)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The role is scoped to environment {0}, but the environment is not assigned to project {1}, excluding from this project report", environmentId, Project.Name));

            var environment = EnvironmentList.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == environmentId);
            if (environment != null)

        if (ScopedRole.EnvironmentIds.Count > 0 and newPermission.Environments.Count <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The role is scoped to environments, but none of the environments are assigned to {0}.  This user role does not apply to this project.", Project.Name));

            return ProjectPermissionList;

        foreach (var tenantId in ScopedRole.TenantIds)
            var tenant = TenantList.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == tenantId);

            if (tenant != null)
                if (!tenant.ProjectEnvironments.ContainsKey(Project.Id))
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The role is scoped to tenant {0}, but the tenant is not assigned to {1}, excluding the tenant from this report", tenant.Name, Project.Name));


        if (ScopedRole.TenantIds.Count > 0 and newPermission.Tenants.Count <= 0)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The role is scoped to tenants, but none of the tenants are assigned to {0}.  This user role does not apply to this project.", Project.Name));

            return ProjectPermissionList;

    var existingPermission = ProjectPermissionList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.UserId == newPermission.UserId);

    if (existingPermission == null)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("This is the first time we've seen {0} for this permission. Adding the permission to the list.", User.DisplayName));

        return ProjectPermissionList;

    if (existingPermission.Environments.Count == 0 && existingPermission.Tenants.Count == 0)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has not scoping for environments or tenants for this project, they have the highest permission, no need to improve it", User.DisplayName));
        return ProjectPermissionList;
    if (existingPermission.Environments.Count > 0 && newPermission.Environments.Count == 0)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has scoping to environments, but the new permission doesn't have any environment scoping, removing the scoping", User.DisplayName));
        existingPermission.Environments = new System.Collections.Generic.List<EnvironmentResource>();
    else if (existingPermission.Environments.Count > 0 && newPermission.Environments.Count > 0)
        foreach (var item in newPermission.Environments)
            var existingItem = existingPermission.Environments.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == item.Id);

            if (existingItem == null)
                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is not yet scoped to the environment {1}, adding it", User.DisplayName, item.Name));

    if (existingPermission.Tenants.Count > 0 && newPermission.Tenants.Count == 0)
        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} has scoping to tenants, but the new permission doesn't have any tenant scoping, removing the scoping", User.DisplayName));
        existingPermission.Tenants = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TenantResource>();
    else if (existingPermission.Tenants.Count > 0 && newPermission.Tenants.Count > 0)
        foreach (var item in newPermission.Tenants)
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} is not yet scoped to the tenant {1}, adding it", User.DisplayName, item.Name));

    return ProjectPermissionList;

static void WritePermissionList (string PermissionName, System.Collections.Generic.List<Permission> ProjectPermissionList, ProjectPermission Permission, string ReportPath)
    using (System.IO.StreamWriter csvFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(ReportPath, true))
        //csvFile.WriteLine("Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping");
        //                       0        1            2                3           4                   5

        foreach (var permissionScope in ProjectPermissionList)
            System.Collections.Generic.List<string> row = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();

            if (permissionScope.IncludeScope == false)
                if (permissionScope.Environments.Count == 0)
                    row.Add(string.Join(";", permissionScope.Environments.Select(e => e.Name)));

                if (permissionScope.Tenants.Count == 0)
                    row.Add(string.Join(";", permissionScope.Tenants.Select(t => t.Name)));

            csvFile.WriteLine(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", row.ToArray()));

var octopusURL = "https://your-octopus-url";
var octopusAPIKey = "API-YOUR-KEY";
string spaceFilter = "all";
string environmentFilter = "Development";
string permissionToCheck = "DeploymentCreate";
string reportPath = "path:\\to\\csv.file";
string userFilter = "all";

// Create repository object
var endpoint = new OctopusServerEndpoint(octopusURL, octopusAPIKey);
var repository = new OctopusRepository(endpoint);
var client = new OctopusClient(endpoint);

var spaceList = repository.Spaces.FindAll();
spaceList = FilterSpaceList(spaceList, spaceFilter);

var userRoleList = repository.UserRoles.FindAll();
var userList = repository.Users.FindAll();
userList = FilterUserList(userList, userFilter);

var permissionsReport = new System.Collections.Generic.List<ProjectPermission>();

foreach (var spaceName in spaceList)
    var space = repository.Spaces.FindByName(spaceName.Name);
    var repositoryForSpace = client.ForSpace(space);

    var projectList = repositoryForSpace.Projects.GetAll();
    var environmentList = repositoryForSpace.Environments.GetAll();

    environmentList = FilterEnvironmentList(environmentList, environmentFilter);

    var tenantList = repositoryForSpace.Tenants.GetAll();

    foreach (var project in projectList)
        var projectPermission = new ProjectPermission();
        projectPermission.Name = project.Name;
        projectPermission.SpaceName = space.Name;

        var projectEnvironmentList = GetEnvironmentsScopedToProject(project, space, repositoryForSpace);

        foreach (var user in userList)
            var allTeamList = repository.UserTeams.Get(user);
            var userTeamList = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TeamNameResource>();

            foreach (var teamItem in allTeamList)
                var team = repository.Teams.Get(teamItem.Id);
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(team.SpaceId)) || (team.SpaceId == space.Id))

            foreach (var userTeam in userTeamList)
                var team = repository.Teams.Get(userTeam.Id);
                var scopedUserRolesList = repository.Teams.GetScopedUserRoles(team);

                foreach (var scopedRole in scopedUserRolesList)
                    if (scopedRole.SpaceId != space.Id)
                        Console.WriteLine("The scoped role is not for the current space, moving on to next role");

                    if ((scopedRole.ProjectIds.Count > 0) && (!scopedRole.ProjectIds.Contains(project.Id) && scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Count == 0))
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The scoped role is associates with projects, but not {0}, moving on to next role", project.Name));

                    if ((scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Count > 0) && (!scopedRole.ProjectGroupIds.Contains(project.ProjectGroupId) && scopedRole.ProjectIds.Count == 0))
                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("The scoped role is associated with project groups, but not the one for {0}, moving on to next role", project.Name));

                    var userRole = userRoleList.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == scopedRole.UserRoleId);

                    projectPermission.Permissions = GetUserPermission(space, project, userRole, projectPermission.Permissions, permissionToCheck, environmentList, tenantList, user, scopedRole, true, projectEnvironmentList);

if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(reportPath)))
    string directoryPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(reportPath);

if (System.IO.File.Exists(reportPath))

using (System.IO.StreamWriter csvFile = new System.IO.StreamWriter(reportPath))
    csvFile.WriteLine("Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping");

foreach (var permission in permissionsReport)
    WritePermissionList(permissionToCheck, permission.Permissions, permission, reportPath);
import json
import requests
from requests.api import get, head
import re
import os

def get_octopus_resource(uri, headers, skip_count = 0):
    items = []
    skip_querystring = ""

    if '?' in uri:
        skip_querystring = '&skip='
        skip_querystring = '?skip='

    response = requests.get((uri + skip_querystring + str(skip_count)), headers=headers)

    # Get results of API call
    results = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))

    # Store results
    if hasattr(results, 'keys') and 'Items' in results.keys():
        items += results['Items']

        # Check to see if there are more results
        if (len(results['Items']) > 0) and (len(results['Items']) == results['ItemsPerPage']):
            skip_count += results['ItemsPerPage']
            items += get_octopus_resource(uri, headers, skip_count)

        return results

    # return results
    return items

def new_octopus_filtered_list(item_list, filters):
    filtered_list = []

    # Split string
    filter_list = filters.split(',')

    for item in item_list:
        for filter in filter_list:
            print ('Checking to see if {0} matches {1}'.format(filter, item['Name']))
            if filter == 'all':
                print ('The filter is all -> adding {0} to filtered list'.format(item['Name']))
            elif re.match(filter, item['Name'], re.IGNORECASE) != None:
                print ('The filter {0} matches {1}, adding {1} to filtered list'.format(filter, item['Name']))
                print ('The item {0} does not match filter {1}'.format(item['Name'], filter))

    return filtered_list

def get_environments_scoped_to_project (octopus_server_uri, headers, project, space):
    scoped_environment_list = []

    # Get project channels
    uri = '{0}/api/{1}/projects/{2}/channels'.format(octopus_server_uri, space['Id'], project['Id'])
    channels = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

    # Loop through channels
    for channel in channels:
        lifecycleId = channel['LifecycleId']

        if None == lifecycleId:
            # Channel inherits lifecycle from project
            lifecycleId = project['LifecycleId']

        # Get lifecycle preview - using the preview returns implied phases if the lifecycle doesn't have any phases defined
        uri = '{0}/api/{1}/lifecycles/{2}/preview'.format(octopus_server_uri, space['Id'], lifecycleId)
        lifecycle_preview = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

        # Loop through phases
        for phase in lifecycle_preview['Phases']:
            for environmentId in phase['AutomaticDeploymentTargets']:
                if environmentId not in scoped_environment_list:
                    print ('Adding {0} to {1} environment list'.format(environmentId, project['Name']))
            for environmentId in phase['OptionalDeploymentTargets']:
                if environmentId not in scoped_environment_list:
                    print ('Adding {0} to {1} environment list'.format(environmentId, project['Name']))

    return scoped_environment_list

def get_user_permission (space, project, user_role, project_permission_list, permission_to_check, environment_list, tenant_list, user, scoped_role, include_scope, project_environment_list):
    if permission_to_check not in user_role['GrantedSpacePermissions']:
        return project_permission_list

    new_permission = {
        'DisplayName': user['DisplayName'],
        'UserId': user['Id'],
        'Environments': [],
        'Tenants': [],
        'IncludeScope': include_scope

    if include_scope == True:
        for environmentId in scoped_role['EnvironmentIds']:
            if environmentId not in project_environment_list:
                print ('The role is scoped to environment {0}, but the environment is not assigned to {1}, excluding from report'.format(environmentId, project['Name']))

            environment = next((x for x in environment_list if x['Id'] == environmentId), None)

            if environment != None:
                new_permission['Environments'] += [{
                    'Id': environment['Id'],
                    'Name': environment['Name']

        if len(scoped_role['EnvironmentIds']) > 0 and len(new_permission['Environments']) <= 0
            print ('The role is scoped to environments, but none of the environments are assigned to {0}.  This user role does not apply to this project.'.format(project['Name']))
            return project_permission_list

        for tenantId in scoped_role['TenantIds']:
            tenant = next((x for x in tenant_list if x['Id'] == tenantId), None)
            new_permission['Tenants'] += [{
                'Id': tenant['Id'],
                'Name': tenant['Name']

        if len(scoped_role['TenantIds']) > 0 and len(new_permission['Tenants']) <= 0
            print('The role is scoped to tenants, but none of the tenants are assigned to the {0}.  This user does not apply to this project.'.format(project['Name']))
            return project_permission_list

    existing_permission = next((x for x in project_permission_list if x['UserId'] == new_permission['UserId']), None)

    if existing_permission == None:
        print ('This is the first time we''ve seen {0} for this permission. Adding the permission to the list'.format(user['DisplayName']))
        return project_permission_list

    if len(existing_permission['Environments']) == 0 and len(existing_permission['Tenants']) == 0:
        print ('{0} has no scoping for environments or tenants for this project, they have the highest level, no need to improve it.'.format(user['DisplayName']))
        return project_permission_list

    if len(existing_permission['Environments']) > 0 and len(new_permission['Environments']) == 0:
        print('{0} has scoping to environments, but the new permission does not have any environment scoping, removing the scoping'.format(user['DisplayName']))
        existing_permission['Environments'] = []
    elif len(existing_permission['Environments']) > 0 and len(new_permission['Environments']) > 0:
        for item in new_permission['Environments']:
            existing_item = next((x for x in existing_permission['Environments'] if x['Id'] == item['Id']), None)

            if existing_item == None:
                print ('{0} is not yet scoped to the environment {1}, adding it'.format(user['DisplayName'], item['Name']))
                existing_permission['Environments'] += item
    if len(existing_permission['Tenants']) > 0 and len(new_permission['Tenants']) == 0:
        print ('{0} has scoping to tenants, but the new permission does not have any tenant scoping, removing the scoping')
        existing_permission['Tenants'] = []
    elif len(existing_permission['Tenants']) > 0 and len(new_permission['Tenants']) > 0:
        for item in new_permission['Tenants']:
            existing_item = next((x for x in existing_permission['Tenants'] if x['Id'] == item['Id']), None)

            if existing_item == None:
                print ('{0} is not yet scoped to the tenant {1}, adding it.'.format(user['DisplayName'], item['Name']))
                existing_permission['Tenants'] += item

    return project_permission_list

def write_permission_list (permission_name, permission_list, permission, report_path):
    for permission_scope in permission_list:
        row = {
            'Space': permission['SpaceName'],
            'Project': permission['Name'],
            'PermissionName': permission_name,
            'User': permission_scope['DisplayName'],
            'EnvironmentScope': '',

        if permission_scope['IncludeScope'] == False:
            row['EnvironmentScope'] = "N/A"
            row['TenantScope'] = "N/A"
            if len(permission_scope['Environments']) == 0:
                row['EnvironmentScope'] = "All"
                scopedList = ""
                for scopedEnvironment in permission_scope['Environments']:
                    scopedList += scopedEnvironment['Name'] + ';'

                row['EnvironmentScope'] = scopedList

            if len(permission_scope['Tenants']) == 0:
                row['TenantScope'] = "All"
                scopedList = ""
                for scopedTenant in permission_scope['Tenants']:
                    scopedList += scopedTenant['Name'] + ';'
                row['TenantScope'] = scopedList

        report = open(report_path, 'a')
        report.write('\n'.join(["{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}".format(row['Space'], row['Project'], row['PermissionName'], row['User'], row['EnvironmentScope'], row['TenantScope'])]) + '\n')

octopus_server_uri = 'https://your-octopus-url'
octopus_api_key = 'API-YOUR-KEY'
headers = {'X-Octopus-ApiKey': octopus_api_key}
space_filter = "all"
environment_filter = "Development"
permission_to_check = "DeploymentCreate"
report_path = "path:\\to\\report.file"
user_filter = "all" # Supports "all" for everything, wild cards "hello*" will pull back everything that starts with hello, or specific names.  Comma separated "Hello*,Testing" will pull back everything that starts with Hello and matches Testing exactly

# Get spaces
uri = '{0}/api/spaces'.format(octopus_server_uri)
spaces = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)
spaces = new_octopus_filtered_list(spaces, space_filter)

# Get user role list
uri = '{0}/api/userroles'.format(octopus_server_uri)
user_roles_list = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

# Get user list
uri = '{0}/api/users'.format(octopus_server_uri)
user_list = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)
user_list = new_octopus_filtered_list(user_list, user_filter)

permissions_report = []

for space in spaces:
    # Get project list
    uri = '{0}/api/{1}/projects'.format(octopus_server_uri, space['Id'])
    projects = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

    # Get environments
    uri = '{0}/api/{1}/environments'.format(octopus_server_uri, space['Id'])
    environments = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)
    environments = new_octopus_filtered_list(environments, environment_filter)

    # Get tenants
    uri = '{0}/api/{1}/tenants'.format(octopus_server_uri, space['Id'])
    tenants = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

    # Loop through projects
    for project in projects:
        # Create permission hash table
        project_permission = {
            'Name': project['Name'],
            'SpaceName': space['Name'],
            'Permissions': []

        # Get environments scoped to project
        project_environment_list = get_environments_scoped_to_project(octopus_server_uri, headers, project, space)

        # Loop through users
        for user in user_list:
            # Get user team list
            uri = '{0}/api/users/{1}/teams?spaces={2}&includeSystem=True'.format(octopus_server_uri, user['Id'], space['Id'])
            user_team_list = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

            for user_team in user_team_list:
                # Get the scoped roles
                uri = '{0}/api/teams/{1}/scopeduserroles'.format(octopus_server_uri, user_team['Id'])
                scoped_roles_list = get_octopus_resource(uri, headers)

                for scoped_role in scoped_roles_list:
                    if scoped_role['SpaceId'] != space['Id']:
                        print ('The scoped role is not for the current space, moving on to next role')

                    if len(scoped_role['ProjectIds']) > 0 and project['Id'] not in scoped_role['ProjectIds'] and len(scoped_role['ProjectGroupIds']) == 0:
                        print ('The scoped role is associated with projects, but not {0}, moving on to next role'.format(project['Name']))

                    if len(scoped_role['ProjectGroupIds']) > 0 and project['ProjectGroupId'] not in scoped_role['ProjectGroupIds'] and len(scoped_role['ProjectIds']) == 0:
                        print ('The scoped role is associated with project groups, but not one for {0}, moving on to next role'.format(project['Name']))
                    user_role = next((x for x in user_roles_list if x['Id'] == scoped_role['UserRoleId']), None)

                    project_permission['Permissions'] = get_user_permission(space, project, user_role, project_permission['Permissions'], permission_to_check, environments, tenants, user, scoped_role, True, project_environment_list)

if os.path.exists(report_path):

# Write header
report = open(report_path, 'w')
report.write('\n'.join(["Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping"]) + '\n')

# Loop through the report
for permission in permissions_report:
    write_permission_list(permission_to_check, permission['Permissions'], permission, report_path)
package main

import (


type ProjectPermission struct {
	Name        string
	SpaceName   string
	Permissions []Permission

type Permission struct {
	DisplayName  string
	UserId       string
	Environments []PermissionEnvironment
	Tenants      []PermissionTenant
	IncludeScope bool

type PermissionEnvironment struct {
	Id   string
	Name string

type PermissionTenant struct {
	Id   string
	Name string

func main() {

	apiURL, err := url.Parse("https://your-octopus-url")
	if err != nil {
	spaceFilter := "all"
	environmentFilter := "Development"
	permissionToCheck := "DeploymentCreate"
	reportPath := "path:\\to\\Report.csv"
    userFilter := "all"

	// Create client object
	client := octopusAuth(apiURL, APIKey, "")

	// Get spaces
	spaces, err := client.Spaces.GetAll()
	if err != nil {

	// Filter spaces
	spaces = FilterSpaces(spaces, spaceFilter)

	// Get all user roles
	userRoles, err := client.UserRoles.GetAll()
	if err != nil {

	// Get all users
	users, err := client.Users.GetAll()
	if err != nil {

    // Filter users
	users = FilterUsers(users, userFilter)

	permissionsReport := []ProjectPermission{}

	// Loop through spaces
	for s := 0; s < len(spaces); s++ {
		spaceClient := octopusAuth(apiURL, APIKey, spaces[s].ID)

		// Get projects for space
		projects, err := spaceClient.Projects.GetAll()
		if err != nil {

		// Get environments for space
		environments, err := spaceClient.Environments.GetAll()
		if err != nil {

		environments = FilterEnvironments(environments, environmentFilter)

		// Get tenants for space
		tenants, err := spaceClient.Tenants.GetAll()
		if err != nil {

		// Loop through projects
		for p := 0; p < len(projects); p++ {
			// Create new permission object
			projectPermission := ProjectPermission{
				Name:      projects[p].Name,
				SpaceName: spaces[s].Name,

			// Get environment scoped to project
			projectEnvironmentList := GetEnvironmentsScopedToProject(spaceClient, projects[p], spaces[s])

			// Loop through users
			for u := 0; u < len(users); u++ {
				// Get user team list
				userTeams, err := spaceClient.Users.GetTeams(users[u])
				if err != nil {

				for t := 0; t < len(*userTeams); t++ {
					userTeam := *userTeams
					scopedRolesList, err := client.Teams.GetScopedUserRolesByID(userTeam[t].ID)

					if err != nil {

					// Loop through scoped roles
					for r := 0; r < len(scopedRolesList.Items); r++ {
						if scopedRolesList.Items[r].SpaceID != spaces[s].ID {
							fmt.Println("The scoped role is not for the current space, moving on to next role.")

						if len(scopedRolesList.Items[r].ProjectIDs) > 0 && !contains(scopedRolesList.Items[r].ProjectIDs, projects[p].ID) && len(scopedRolesList.Items[r].ProjectGroupIDs) == 0 {
							fmt.Println("The scoped role is associated with projects, but not " + projects[p].Name)

						if len(scopedRolesList.Items[r].ProjectGroupIDs) > 0 && !contains(scopedRolesList.Items[r].ProjectGroupIDs, projects[p].ProjectGroupID) && len(scopedRolesList.Items[r].ProjectIDs) == 0 {
							fmt.Println("The scoped role is associated with project groups but not " + projects[p].Name)

						userRole := GetUserRole(userRoles, scopedRolesList.Items[r].UserRoleID)

						projectPermission.Permissions = GetUserPermission(spaces[s], projects[p], userRole, projectPermission.Permissions, permissionToCheck, environments, tenants, users[u], scopedRolesList.Items[r], true, projectEnvironmentList)


			// Add to report
			permissionsReport = append(permissionsReport, projectPermission)

	if FileExists(reportPath) {

	// Write report header
	file, err := os.OpenFile(reportPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
	if err != nil {

	dataWriter := bufio.NewWriter(file)
	dataWriter.WriteString("Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping" + "\n")

	for i := 0; i < len(permissionsReport); i++ {
		WritePermissionList(permissionToCheck, permissionsReport[i].Permissions, permissionsReport[i], reportPath)

func GetEnvironmentsScopedToProject(client *octopusdeploy.Client, project *octopusdeploy.Project, space *octopusdeploy.Space) []string {
	scopedEnvironmentList := []string{}

	// Get channels for project
	channels := GetChannels(client, project)

	// Loop through channels
	for i := 0; i < len(channels); i++ {
		lifecycleId := channels[i].LifecycleID

		// Check for nil
		if lifecycleId == "" {
			// Channel inherits lifecycle from project
			lifecycleId = project.LifecycleID

		// Get the lifecycle
		lifecycle, err := client.Lifecycles.GetByID(lifecycleId)
		if err != nil {

		// Check phases
		if (lifecycle.Phases == nil) || (len(lifecycle.Phases) == 0) {
			// There are no defined phases, create them manually from the environment list
			environments, err := client.Environments.GetAll()
			if err != nil {

			// Loop through environments and add phases
			for e := 0; e < len(environments); e++ {
				phase := octopusdeploy.Phase{}
				phase.OptionalDeploymentTargets = append(phase.OptionalDeploymentTargets, environments[e].ID)
				lifecycle.Phases = append(lifecycle.Phases, phase)

		// Loop through phases
		for p := 0; p < len(lifecycle.Phases); p++ {
			for e := 0; e < len(lifecycle.Phases[p].AutomaticDeploymentTargets); e++ {
				if !contains(scopedEnvironmentList, lifecycle.Phases[p].AutomaticDeploymentTargets[e]) {
					fmt.Println("Adding " + lifecycle.Phases[p].AutomaticDeploymentTargets[e] + " to " + project.Name + " environment list")
					scopedEnvironmentList = append(scopedEnvironmentList, lifecycle.Phases[p].AutomaticDeploymentTargets[e])

			for e := 0; e < len(lifecycle.Phases[p].OptionalDeploymentTargets); e++ {
				if !contains(scopedEnvironmentList, lifecycle.Phases[p].OptionalDeploymentTargets[e]) {
					fmt.Println("Adding " + lifecycle.Phases[p].OptionalDeploymentTargets[e] + " to " + project.Name + " environment list")
					scopedEnvironmentList = append(scopedEnvironmentList, lifecycle.Phases[p].OptionalDeploymentTargets[e])

	return scopedEnvironmentList

func GetUserRole(userRoles []*octopusdeploy.UserRole, userRoleId string) *octopusdeploy.UserRole {
	for i := 0; i < len(userRoles); i++ {
		if userRoles[i].ID == userRoleId {
			return userRoles[i]

	return nil

func GetChannels(client *octopusdeploy.Client, project *octopusdeploy.Project) []*octopusdeploy.Channel {
	channelQuery := octopusdeploy.ChannelsQuery{
		Skip: 0,

	results := []*octopusdeploy.Channel{}

	for true {
		// Call for results
		channels, err := client.Channels.Get(channelQuery)

		if err != nil {

		// Check returned number of items
		if len(channels.Items) == 0 {

		// append items to results
		results = append(results, channels.Items...)

		// Update query
		channelQuery.Skip += len(channels.Items)

	return results

func FilterSpaces(spaces []*octopusdeploy.Space, filter string) []*octopusdeploy.Space {
	filteredList := []*octopusdeploy.Space{}

	// Split filter
	filters := strings.Split(filter, ",")

	for i := 0; i < len(spaces); i++ {
		for j := 0; j < len(filters); j++ {
			fmt.Println("Checking to see if " + filters[j] + " matches " + spaces[i].Name)
			match, err := regexp.MatchString(filter, spaces[i].Name)
			if err != nil {

			if filters[j] == "all" {
				fmt.Println("The filter is all -> adding " + spaces[i].Name + " to filtered list")
				filteredList = append(filteredList, spaces[i])
			} else if match {
				fmt.Println("The filter " + filters[j] + " matches " + spaces[i].Name + " adding " + spaces[i].Name + " to filtered list")
				filteredList = append(filteredList, spaces[i])
			} else {
				fmt.Println("The item " + spaces[i].Name + " does not match filter " + filters[j])

	return filteredList

func FilterUsers(users []*octopusdeploy.User, filter string) []*octopusdeploy.User {
	filteredList := []*octopusdeploy.User{}

	// Split filter
	filters := strings.Split(filter, ",")

	for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
		for j := 0; j < len(filters); j++ {
			fmt.Println("Checking to see if " + filters[j] + " matches " + users[i].Name)
			match, err := regexp.MatchString(filter, users[i].Name)
			if err != nil {

			if filters[j] == "all" {
				fmt.Println("The filter is all -> adding " + users[i].Name + " to filtered list")
				filteredList = append(filteredList, users[i])
			} else if match {
				fmt.Println("The filter " + filters[j] + " matches " + users[i].Name + " adding " + users[i].Name + " to filtered list")
				filteredList = append(filteredList, users[i])
			} else {
				fmt.Println("The item " + users[i].Name + " does not match filter " + filters[j])

	return filteredList

func FilterEnvironments(environments []*octopusdeploy.Environment, filter string) []*octopusdeploy.Environment {
	filteredList := []*octopusdeploy.Environment{}

	// Split filter
	filters := strings.Split(filter, ",")

	for i := 0; i < len(environments); i++ {
		for j := 0; j < len(filters); j++ {
			fmt.Println("Checking to see if " + filters[j] + " matches " + environments[i].Name)
			match, err := regexp.MatchString(filter, environments[i].Name)
			if err != nil {

			if filters[j] == "all" {
				fmt.Println("The filter is all -> adding " + environments[i].Name + " to filtered list")
				filteredList = append(filteredList, environments[i])
			} else if match {
				fmt.Println("The filter " + filters[j] + " matches " + environments[i].Name + " adding " + environments[i].Name + " to filtered list")
				filteredList = append(filteredList, environments[i])
			} else {
				fmt.Println("The item " + environments[i].Name + " does not match filter " + filters[j])

	return filteredList

func octopusAuth(octopusURL *url.URL, APIKey, space string) *octopusdeploy.Client {
	client, err := octopusdeploy.NewClient(nil, octopusURL, APIKey, space)
	if err != nil {

	return client

func GetSpace(octopusURL *url.URL, APIKey string, spaceName string) *octopusdeploy.Space {
	client := octopusAuth(octopusURL, APIKey, "")

	spaceQuery := octopusdeploy.SpacesQuery{
		Name: spaceName,

	// Get specific space object
	spaces, err := client.Spaces.Get(spaceQuery)

	if err != nil {

	for _, space := range spaces.Items {
		if space.Name == spaceName {
			return space

	return nil

func GetProject(octopusURL *url.URL, APIKey string, space *octopusdeploy.Space, projectName string) *octopusdeploy.Project {
	// Create client
	client := octopusAuth(octopusURL, APIKey, space.ID)

	projectsQuery := octopusdeploy.ProjectsQuery {
		Name: projectName,

	// Get specific project object
	projects, err := client.Projects.Get(projectsQuery)

	if err != nil {

	for _, project := range projects.Items {
		if project.Name == projectName {
			return project

	return nil

func contains(s []string, str string) bool {
	for _, v := range s {
		if v == str {
			return true

	return false

func GetUserPermission(space *octopusdeploy.Space, project *octopusdeploy.Project, userRole *octopusdeploy.UserRole, permissions []Permission, permissionToCheck string, environmentList []*octopusdeploy.Environment, tenantList []*octopusdeploy.Tenant, user *octopusdeploy.User, scopedRole *octopusdeploy.ScopedUserRole, includeScope bool, projectEnvironmentList []string) []Permission {
	if !contains(userRole.GrantedSpacePermissions, permissionToCheck) {
		return permissions

	newPermission := Permission{
		DisplayName:  user.DisplayName,
		UserId:       user.ID,
		IncludeScope: includeScope,

	if includeScope {
		for i := 0; i < len(scopedRole.EnvironmentIDs); i++ {
			if !contains(projectEnvironmentList, scopedRole.EnvironmentIDs[i]) {
				fmt.Println("The role is scoped to environment " + scopedRole.EnvironmentIDs[i] + ", but the environment is not assigned to " + project.Name)

			for j := 0; j < len(environmentList); j++ {
				if environmentList[j].ID == scopedRole.EnvironmentIDs[i] {
					newPermissionEnvironment := PermissionEnvironment{}
					newPermissionEnvironment.Id = environmentList[j].ID
					newPermissionEnvironment.Name = environmentList[j].Name
					newPermission.Environments = append(newPermission.Environments, newPermissionEnvironment)

        if len(scopedRole.EnvironmentIDs) > 0 && len(newPermission.Environments) == 0 {
            fmt.Println("The role is scoped to environments but the project is not assigned to them.  This user role does not apply.")
            return permissions

		for i := 0; i < len(scopedRole.TenantIDs); i++ {
			for j := 0; j < len(tenantList); j++ {
				if tenantList[j].ID == scopedRole.TenantIDs[i] {
					newPermissionTenant := PermissionTenant{}
					newPermissionTenant.Id = tenantList[j].ID
					newPermissionTenant.Name = tenantList[j].Name
					newPermission.Tenants = append(newPermission.Tenants, newPermissionTenant)

        if len(scopedRole.TenantIDs) > 0 && len(newPermission.Tenants) == 0 {
            fmt.Println("The role is scoped to tenants but the project is not assigned to them.  This user role does not apply.")
            return permissions

	existingPermission := Permission{}
	permissionFound := false

	for i := 0; i < len(permissions); i++ {
		if permissions[i].UserId == newPermission.UserId {
			existingPermission = permissions[i]
			permissionFound = true

	if !permissionFound {
        fmt.Println("This is the first time we've seen " + user.DisplayName + " for this permission. Adding the permission to the list.")
		permissions = append(permissions, newPermission)
		return permissions

	if len(existingPermission.Environments) == 0 && len(existingPermission.Tenants) == 0 {
		fmt.Println(user.DisplayName + "has no scoping for environments or tenants for this project, they have the highest level, no need to improve it")
		return permissions

	if len(existingPermission.Environments) > 0 && len(newPermission.Environments) == 0 {
		fmt.Println(user.DisplayName + " has scoping to environments, but the new permission does not have any environment scoping, removing the scoping")
		existingPermission.Environments = nil
	} else if len(existingPermission.Environments) > 0 && len(newPermission.Environments) > 0 {
		for i := 0; i < len(newPermission.Environments); i++ {
			itemFound := false
			for j := 0; j < len(existingPermission.Environments); j++ {
				if existingPermission.Environments[j].Id == newPermission.Environments[i].Id {
					itemFound = true

			if !itemFound {
				fmt.Println(user.DisplayName + " is not yet scoped to the environment " + newPermission.Environments[i].Name + " adding it")
				existingPermission.Environments = append(existingPermission.Environments, newPermission.Environments[i])

	if len(existingPermission.Tenants) > 0 && len(newPermission.Tenants) == 0 {
		fmt.Println(user.DisplayName + " has scoping to tenants, but the new permission does not have any tenant scoping, removing the scoping")
		existingPermission.Tenants = nil
	} else if len(existingPermission.Tenants) > 0 && len(newPermission.Tenants) > 0 {
		for i := 0; i < len(newPermission.Tenants); i++ {
			itemFound := false
			for j := 0; j < len(existingPermission.Tenants); j++ {
				if existingPermission.Tenants[j].Id == newPermission.Tenants[i].Id {
					itemFound = true

				if !itemFound {
					fmt.Println(user.DisplayName + " is not yet scoped to the tenant " + newPermission.Tenants[i].Name + " adding it")
					existingPermission.Tenants = append(existingPermission.Tenants, newPermission.Tenants[i])

	return permissions

func WritePermissionList(permissionName string, permissions []Permission, projectPermission ProjectPermission, reportPath string) {
	for i := 0; i < len(permissions); i++ {
		row := make(map[string]string)
		row["Space"] = projectPermission.SpaceName
		row["Project"] = projectPermission.Name
		row["PermissionName"] = permissionName
		row["User"] = permissions[i].DisplayName

		if !permissions[i].IncludeScope {
			row["EnvironmentScope"] = "N/A"
			row["TenantScope"] = "N/A"
		} else {
			if len(permissions[i].Environments) == 0 {
				row["EnvironmentScope"] = "All"
			} else {
				scopedList := ""
				for e := 0; e < len(permissions[i].Environments); e++ {
					scopedList += permissions[i].Environments[e].Name + ";"

				row["EnvironmentScope"] = scopedList
			if len(permissions[i].Tenants) == 0 {
				row["TenantScope"] = "All"
			} else {
				scopedList := ""
				for t := 0; t < len(permissions[i].Tenants); t++ {
					scopedList += permissions[i].Tenants[t].Name + ";"

				row["TenantScope"] = scopedList

			// Write report row
			file, err := os.OpenFile(reportPath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, 0600)
			if err != nil {

			dataWriter := bufio.NewWriter(file)
			//dataWriter.WriteString("Space Name,Project Name,Permission Name,Display Name,Environment Scoping,Tenant Scoping" + "\n")
			dataWriter.WriteString(row["Space"] + "," + row["Project"] + "," + row["PermissionName"] + "," + row["User"] + "," + row["EnvironmentScope"] + "," + row["TenantScope"] + "\n")

func FileExists(filename string) bool {
	info, err := os.Stat(filename)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return false
	return !info.IsDir()

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023