Automated Installation

Automated installation via Terraform

The Kubernetes Worker can be installed and managed using a combination of the Helm chart >= v2.2.1, Octopus Deploy >= v0.30.0 Terraform provider and/or Helm Terraform provider.

Octopus Deploy & Helm

Using a combination of the Octopus Deploy and Helm providers you can completely manage the Kubernetes Worker via Terraform.

To ensure that the Kubernetes Worker is correctly installed in Octopus, certain criteria must hold for the following Terraform resource properties:

Kubernetes Worker resourceHelm resource (chart value)
octopusdeploy_kubernetes_agent_worker.namemust be the same value
octopusdeploy_kubernetes_agent_worker.urimust be the same value asagent.serverSubscriptionId
octopusdeploy_kubernetes_agent_worker.thumbprintis the thumbprint calculated from the certificate used inagent.certificate

Always specify the major version in the version property on the helm_release resource (e.g. version = "2.*.*") to prevent Terraform from defaulting to the latest Helm chart version. This is important, as a newer major version of the Kubernetes Worker Helm chart could introduce breaking changes.

When upgrading to a new major version of the Kubernetes Worker, create a separate resource to ensure the Helm values match the updated schema. Automatic upgrade support is expected in version 2023.4.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    octopusdeploy = {
      source  = "OctopusDeployLabs/octopusdeploy"
      version = "0.30.0"

    helm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/helm"
      version = "2.13.2"

locals {
  octopus_api_key         = "API-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  octopus_address         = ""
  octopus_polling_address = ""

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    # Configure authentication for me

provider "octopusdeploy" {
  address = local.octopus_address
  api_key = local.octopus_api_key

resource "octopusdeploy_space" "worker_space" {
  name                 = "worker space"
  space_managers_teams = ["teams-everyone"]

resource "octopusdeploy_polling_subscription_id" "agent_subscription_id" {}
resource "octopusdeploy_tentacle_certificate" "agent_cert" {}

resource "octopusdeploy_static_worker_pool" "workerpool_example" {
  name        = "Example"
  space_id =
  description = "An example worker pool"
  is_default  = false
  sort_order  = 3

resource "octopusdeploy_kubernetes_agent_worker" "worker" {
  name            = "worker-one"
  space_id        =
  worker_pool_ids = []
  thumbprint      = octopusdeploy_tentacle_certificate.agent_cert.thumbprint
  uri             = octopusdeploy_polling_subscription_id.agent_subscription_id.polling_uri

resource "helm_release" "kubernetes_worker" {
  name             = "octopus-kubernetes-worker-release"
  repository       = "oci://"
  chart            = "octopusdeploy/kubernetes-agent"
  version          = "2.*.*"
  atomic           = true
  create_namespace = true
  namespace        = "octopus-agent-worker"

  set {
    name  = "agent.acceptEula"
    value = "Y"

  set {
    name  = ""
    value =

  set_sensitive {
    name  = "agent.serverApiKey"
    value = local.octopus_api_key

  set {
    name  = "agent.serverUrl"
    value = local.octopus_address

  set {
    name  = "agent.serverCommsAddress"
    value = local.octopus_polling_address

  set {
    name  = "agent.serverSubscriptionId"
    value = octopusdeploy_polling_subscription_id.agent_subscription_id.polling_uri

  set_sensitive {
    name  = "agent.certificate"
    value = octopusdeploy_tentacle_certificate.agent_cert.base64

  set {
    name  = ""
    value =

  set {
    name  = "agent.worker.enabled"
    value = "true"

  set_list {
    name  = "agent.worker.initial.workerPools"
    value = octopusdeploy_kubernetes_agent_worker.worker.worker_pool_ids


The Kubernetes Worker can be installed using just the Helm provider alone. However, the associated worker that is created in Octopus cannot be managed solely using the Helm provider. This is because the Helm chart values relating to the worker are only used on initial installation. Any further modifications to them will not trigger an update to the worker unless you perform a complete reinstall of the worker.

If you don’t intend to manage the Kubernetes Worker configuration through Terraform (choosing to handle it via the Octopus Portal or API instead), this option will be beneficial to you as it is simpler to set up.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    helm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/helm"
      version = "2.13.2"

provider "helm" {
  kubernetes {
    # Configure authentication for me

locals {
  octopus_api_key         = "API-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
  octopus_address         = ""
  octopus_polling_address = ""

resource "helm_release" "kubernetes_worker" {
  name             = "octopus-kubernetes-worker-release"
  repository       = "oci://"
  chart            = "octopusdeploy/kubernetes-agent"
  version          = "2.*.*"
  atomic           = true
  create_namespace = true
  namespace        = "octopus-agent-worker"

  set {
    name  = "agent.acceptEula"
    value = "Y"

  set {
    name  = ""
    value = "octopus-worker"

  set_sensitive {
    name  = "agent.serverApiKey"
    value = local.octopus_api_key

  set {
    name  = "agent.serverUrl"
    value = local.octopus_address

  set {
    name  = "agent.serverCommsAddress"
    value = local.octopus_polling_address

  set {
    name  = ""
    value = "Default"

  set {
    name  = "agent.worker.enabled"
    value = "true"

  set_list {
    name  = "agent.worker.initial.workerPools"
    value = ["WorkerPools-1"]

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Page updated on Friday, August 30, 2024