
The kubectl command-line tool is required by Octopus Deploy’s Kubernetes features.

kubectl is not bundled with Octopus, and must be pre-installed on the worker or Octopus Server which will execute steps and health checks against a Kubernetes target. Alternatively, execution containers may be used and we recommend using [octopuslabs/k8s-workertools](https://hub.docker.com/r/octopuslabs/k8s-workertools) docker image, we also recommend setting the tag to a version that is compatible with the version of your cluster, read the official version skew policy for more information.

By default, Octopus assumes kubectl is available in the PATH environment variable. A specific location for kubectl can be supplied by setting a Octopus.Action.Kubernetes.CustomKubectlExecutable variable in the Octopus project (an example value is c:\tools\kubectl\version\kubectl.exe).

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Page updated on Wednesday, July 31, 2024