Octopus REST API

Octopus is built API-first

The opinions and functionality in Octopus are designed to make you productive, but they might not work for everyone. So we’ve built plenty of escape hatches. You can change the default behaviors, run custom scripts in your deployment process, or use a comprehensive API that does everything the UI can do.

We built Octopus Deploy API-first. This means that Octopus is built in layers. All data and operations are available over its REST API. We built the Octopus Web Portal on top of this API, so all the data and operations you can see and perform in the Octopus Web Portal, you can perform over the REST API.

Octopus connects to build servers, scripts, external applications, and anything else with its REST API.

We designed the Octopus REST API to:

  1. Be friendly and easy to figure out.
  2. Be hypermedia driven, using links and the occasional URI template.
  3. Be comprehensive - 100% of the actions you perform via the Octopus UI, you can perform via the API.
  4. Provide a great developer experience through API clients and detailed examples.

Octopus Command Line (CLI)

The Octopus CLI is a command line tool that builds on top of the Octopus Deploy REST API. With the Octopus CLI, you can push your application packages for deployment as either zip or NuGet packages, and manage your environments, deployments, projects, and workers.

The Octopus CLI can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Docker. For installation options and direct downloads, visit the CLI Readme.

For more information see Octopus Command Line (CLI).

Next steps

Follow our getting started with the Octopus REST API guide or learn how to create an API key.

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Page updated on Friday, May 24, 2024