Manage Kubernetes deployment targets in Octopus Deploy
octopus deployment-target kubernetes [command]
kubernetes, k8s
Available Commands:
create Create a Kubernetes deployment target
help Help about any command
list List Kubernetes deployment targets
view View a Kubernetes deployment target
Global Flags:
-h, --help Show help for a command
--no-prompt Disable prompting in interactive mode
-f, --output-format string Specify the output format for a command ("json", "table", or "basic") (default "table")
-s, --space string Specify the space for operations
Use "octopus deployment-target kubernetes [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Octopus Samples instance
Many of the examples we use, reference the samples instance of Octopus Deploy. If you’d like to explore the samples instance, you can log in as a guest.
$ octopus deployment-target kubernetes create
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Page updated on Wednesday, February 19, 2025