Create AWS account command

AWS account

Command: New-OctopusAwsAccount

New-OctopusAwsAccount allows you to create an AWS account in Octopus from within a running deployment

-nameName for the AWS account
-secretKeyThe AWS secret key to use when authenticating against Amazon Web Services.
-accessKeyThe AWS access key to use when authenticating against Amazon Web Services.
-updateIfExistingWill update an existing account with the same name, create if it doesn’t exist


New-OctopusAwsAccount -name "My AWS Account" `
                      -secretKey "7U4MhdfjgcAk9niwPgXD81pTYY+fIvVsN3m" `
                      -accessKey "AKIAVY29QTUTKPJC3R5K" `

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023