Managing Octopus subscriptions

Control Center is where you manage your Octopus subscriptions and their associated user access.

There are 2 types of Octopus subscriptions:

  1. Cloud instances: Deployments-as-a-service
  2. Server licenses: Octopus on your infrastructure

This page focuses on Control Center V2, our new system for managing Octopus subscriptions.

Control Center V1 and V2

Explaining the two versions of Control Center

In October 2022, we moved to Stripe as our payment gateway, so we needed a new system for integration with Stripe. We refer to the new system as Control Center V2, and it will replace Control Center later this year. During 2023, we’ll migrate your subscriptions from V1 to V2 as you pay or renew. After the migration is complete, we’ll deprecate V1.

I can’t work out how to do something in Control Center V2 that I used to do in V1

There are some Control Center V1 features that we haven’t included in V2 yet. This is only temporary while we gain feature-parity for Control Center V2.

If you can’t see how to do something in V2 that you could do in V1, please contact our support team.

Locating subscriptions

All your subscriptions (Cloud instances and Server licenses) are accessible from Control Center V1. Only subscriptions we’ve migrated to Control Center V2 are accessible from V2.

Migration of subscriptions

Trial subscriptions are created in Control Center V1. Subscriptions in Control Center V1 migrate to V2 when you change to a paid subscription or a yearly renewal. This is why you may have some subscriptions in Control Center V1 and others in V2 until they’re all transferred to V2.


Upgrading a trial to a paid subscription

Cloud instance:

  1. Navigate to your Cloud Instance in Control Center V1.
  2. Click CHANGE PLAN.
  3. Choose your plan and complete the purchase through Stripe.

Server license:

  1. Navigate to your Server License in Control Center V1.
  3. Choose your plan and complete the purchase through Stripe.

In both cases, upgrading a trial to a paid subscription will migrate your subscription to Control Center V2.

Changing payment method or billing information (Cloud only)

  1. Navigate to your Cloud instance or Server License.
  2. Click FINANCE in the left sidebar.
  4. Use the options to edit and/or add payment methods and update your billing information.

Viewing orders (Cloud only)

  1. Navigate to your subscription.
  2. Click FINANCE in the left sidebar.
  3. Choose your option for viewing orders:
  • For recent orders, click VIEW IN STRIPE.
  • For older orders, click VIEW IN CONTROL CENTER V1.

Configuring maximum deployment targets (Cloud only)

To help you manage your monthly spend, you can set a maximum number of deployment targets for a Cloud instance.

  1. Navigate to your Cloud instance.
  2. Click FINANCE in the left sidebar.
  3. Click SET MAXIMUM TARGETS to configure a maximum number of targets.

Canceling your plan (Cloud only)

To modify your plan:

  1. Navigate to your Cloud instance.
  2. Click FINANCE in the left sidebar.
  4. A confirmation dialog will appear for you to confirm cancellation.


Changing outage windows (Cloud only)

We use outage windows to perform updates to the Octopus Deploy software, so you can take advantage of fixes and enhancements.

  1. Navigate to your subscription.
  2. Click CONFIGURATION in the left sidebar.
  4. Specify the start and end times.
  5. Click SUBMIT.

Changing the instance URL (Cloud only)

  1. Navigate to your subscription
  2. Click CONFIGURATION in the left sidebar.
  3. Click CHANGE URL.
  4. Specify the new URL.
  5. Click SUBMIT.

Access control

Understanding access control

There are 2 levels of access you can provide users in Control Center. Each level has associated user roles.

  1. Subscription Group access provides management of a group of subscriptions plus access to all current and future subscriptions in the group.
  2. Direct access provides access to individual subscriptions.

Changes to access control in Control Center V1 will only affect subscriptions located in Control Center V1 and changes in Control Center V2 will only affect subscriptions located in Control Center V2.

Subscription Group access

Below are the roles for Subscription Group access, the permissions they provide for the group, and the subscriptions in the group:

AdministratorTechnical ManagerBilling Manager
Subscription Group
Delete and rename group
Access Control
Subscriptions within Group
Server: View Overview
Cloud: View Overview
Cloud: Manage Billing
Cloud: Manage Configuration
Cloud: Manage Access Control
Instance access Admin Octopus Manager

Inviting users to Subscription Group access

  1. Navigate to the dashboard and locate your subscription group.
  3. Click INVITE USER.
  4. Enter the user’s details and click INVITE.

The invited user will receive an email to accept the invitation. If they already have an Octopus ID (Octopus Deploy account), they can accept the invite and Sign in to view the Octopus instance. Otherwise, they will first need to Register a new account using the email address the invitation was sent to.

If the invited user already has an Octopus ID, they must still accept the invite sent via email to complete the process.

Direct access (Cloud only)

Below are the roles available for Direct access:

Cloud OwnerCloud User
Cloud: View Overview
Cloud: Manage Billing
Cloud: Manage Configuration
Cloud: Manage Access Control
Instance access Admin User

Inviting users to Direct access

  1. Navigate to your Cloud instance.
  2. Click ACCESS CONTROL in the left sidebar.
  3. Click INVITE USER.
  4. Enter the user’s details and click INVITE.

The invited user will receive an email to accept the invitation. If they already have an Octopus ID (Octopus Deploy account), they can accept the invite and Sign in to view the Octopus instance. Otherwise, they will first need to Register a new account using the email address the invitation was sent to.

If the invited user already has an Octopus ID, they must still accept the invite sent via email to complete the process.

Note: The user is only added to the Octopus Cloud instance after they sign in for the first time. After signing in, that user gets assigned to the “Everyone” team (if they’re a Cloud User) or the “Octopus Managers” team (if they’re a Cloud Owner).

Changing user roles

To change a user’s role, you must remove that user’s access and then re-invite them to the role you want them to have.

Deleting users

Deleting Subscription Group access users:

  1. Navigate to the dashboard and locate your subscription group.
  3. Locate the user in the table and click the trash icon.
  4. Click DELETE in the confirmation dialog.

Deleting Direct access users:

  1. Navigate to your Cloud instance.
  2. Click ACCESS CONTROL in the left sidebar.
  3. Locate the user in the table and click the trash icon.
  4. Click DELETE in the confirmation dialog.

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023