New Octopus Target Command


Creating deployment targets using the New-OctopusTarget function has been deprecated in favor of using Cloud Target Discovery.

In Octopus 2021.3, a new architecture for deployments and steps targets was developed, known as step packages.

Targets defined by step packages can be created either by PowerShell or bash functions available in any Octopus script-running context. Not all targets are defined by step packages. The complete list of targets defined by step packages is available below.

To create a target defined by a step package, you will need to know the target identifier, and the inputs required by the target. These can currently be found in the following locations:

TargetIdentifierRequired Inputs
AWS ECS ClusterIdentifierInputs

New octopus target

Command (pwsh): New-OctopusTarget

-nameThe Name of the target to create
-targetIdThe target identifier of target to create
-inputsThe inputs required to define the target being created
-rolesComma separated list of target tags to assign
-updateIfExistingWill update an existing target with the same name, create if it doesn’t exist
-workerPoolIdOrNameName or Id of the Worker Pool for the deployment target to use. (Optional)

Command (bash) new_octopustarget

-n | --nameThe Name of the target to create
-t | --targetIdThe target identifier of target to create
--inputsThe inputs required to define the target being created
--rolesComma separated list of target tags to assign
--update-if-existingWill update an existing target with the same name, create if it doesn’t exist
--worker-poolName or Id of the Worker Pool for the deployment target to use. (Optional)


The below examples demonstrate creating a new AWS ECS Cluster target, evidenced by the aws-ecs-target target identifier. These scripts would typically be invoked after creating the cluster in a preceding step. The required information can be passed to these scripts via passing parameters, or via output variables published in preceding steps, or can simply be hard-coded.

Account credentials

Below is an example of creating an AWS ECS Cluster target with account credentials.

$inputs = @"
    "clusterName": "$($OctopusParameters["clusterName"])",
    "region": "$($OctopusParameters["region"])",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "type": "account",
            "account": "$($OctopusParameters["awsAccount"])",
        "role": {
            "type": "noAssumedRole"

New-OctopusTarget -Name "$($OctopusParameters["target_name"])" -TargetId "aws-ecs-target" -Inputs $inputs -Roles "$($OctopusParameters["role"])"
read -r -d '' INPUTS <<EOT
    "clusterName": "$(get_octopusvariable "clusterName")",
    "name": "$(get_octopusvariable "target_name")",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "type": "account",
            "account": "$(get_octopusvariable "awsAccount")",
        "role": {
            "type": "noAssumedRole"

new_octopustarget -n "$(get_octopusvariable "target_name")" -t "aws-ecs-target" --inputs "$INPUTS" --roles "$(get_octopusvariable "role")"

Worker credentials

Below is an example of creating an AWS ECS Cluster target with worker credentials.

$inputs = @"
    "clusterName": "$($OctopusParameters["clusterName"])",
    "region": "$($OctopusParameters["region"])",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "type": "worker"
        "role": {
            "type": "noAssumedRole"

New-OctopusTarget -Name "$($OctopusParameters["target_name"])" -TargetId "aws-ecs-target" -Inputs $inputs -Roles "$($OctopusParameters["role"])"
read -r -d '' INPUTS <<EOT
    "clusterName": "$(get_octopusvariable "clusterName")",
    "name": "$(get_octopusvariable "target_name")",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "type": "worker"
        "role": {
            "type": "noAssumedRole"

new_octopustarget -n "$(get_octopusvariable "target_name")" -t "aws-ecs-target" --inputs "$INPUTS" --roles "$(get_octopusvariable "role")"

Assuming an IAM role

Below is an example of creating an AWS ECS Cluster target using an assumed role. Assuming a role can be used with either worker or account credentials, the example below uses worker credentials.

$inputs = @"
    "clusterName": "$($OctopusParameters["clusterName"])",
    "region": "$($OctopusParameters["region"])",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "type": "worker"
        "role": {
            "type": "assumeRole",
            "arn": "$($OctopusParameters["assumeRoleArn"])",  // Required
            "sessionName": "$($OctopusParameters["assumeRoleSessionName"])", // Optional
            "sessionDuration": $($OctopusParameters["assumeRoleSessionDuration"]), // Optional
            "externalId": "$($OctopusParameters["assumeRoleExternalId"])", // Optional

New-OctopusTarget -Name "$($OctopusParameters["target_name"])" -TargetId "aws-ecs-target" -Inputs $inputs -Roles "$($OctopusParameters["role"])"
read -r -d '' INPUTS <<EOT
    "clusterName": "$(get_octopusvariable "clusterName")",
    "name": "$(get_octopusvariable "target_name")",
    "authentication": {
        "credentials": {
            "type": "worker"
        "role": {
            "type": "assumeRole",
            "arn": "$($(get_octopusvariable "assumeRoleArn")",  // Required
            "sessionName": "$($(get_octopusvariable "assumeRoleSessionName")", // Optional
            "sessionDuration": $($(get_octopusvariable "assumeRoleSessionDuration"), // Optional
            "externalId": "$($(get_octopusvariable "assumeRoleExternalId")", // Optional

new_octopustarget -n "$(get_octopusvariable "target_name")" -t "aws-ecs-target" --inputs "$INPUTS" --roles "$(get_octopusvariable "role")"

If your process creates dynamic deployment targets from a script, and then deploys to those targets in a subsequent step, make sure you add a full health check step for the role of the newly created targets after the step that creates and registers the targets.

This allows Octopus to ensure the new targets are ready for deployment by staging packages required by subsequent steps that perform the deployment.

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Page updated on Thursday, June 27, 2024